Friday, October 07, 2005

The Summer In October

Hey ppl,

The End of monsoons, the October heat and the ‘Summers’ rush. We did want to capture everything in a single issue. I guess this was the reason for this slight delay in our September issue. ;)

The end of monsoons was witnessed by a deluge of companies on campus. Goldman Sachs scooped out the cream, while all others did still get their share of it. The Dudes in their blazers sweating it out in the October Heat, the spirit of Room 4, the bickering seniors, the hunger and everything else that aren’t mentioned are memories you would cherish all your life.

Click here for The Kodak moments

From the seniors, Congratulations ppl. And about all the fuss about confinement in Room 4, I am sure it was worth the wait. Wat say juniors??!!

Thanks for posing for all the photos, answering all questions and providing all the meat for this issue. Hope all the anticipation, anxiety, depression, camaraderie, surprise and the joy of success were captured as expected. For individual pics, you can collect them in person.

And for all those who wonder why Wi-Fi never works, I just couldn’t resist this.

~The ‘MAD’ Team


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