Call it interaction, call it ragging, We call it Plain FUN!!!
The list....

The Seniors lie in wait.. Lamb to Slaughter...
It was a fine evening. The eXtraC team organized a night to remember (for the seniors at least). In fact, after being the brunt of our seniors pranks, we decided to move the notch up more, a lot more.
There was dancing, ad making (which failed to impress) and who can forget Basu's dance.
In short, the seniors had a ball and it has become a gr8 starting point.
To the Juniors.. No harm meant ppl..

The Seniors lie in wait.. Lamb to Slaughter...
It was a fine evening. The eXtraC team organized a night to remember (for the seniors at least). In fact, after being the brunt of our seniors pranks, we decided to move the notch up more, a lot more.
There was dancing, ad making (which failed to impress) and who can forget Basu's dance.
In short, the seniors had a ball and it has become a gr8 starting point.
To the Juniors.. No harm meant ppl..
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