Monday, October 31, 2005

News from the Fourth Dimension

A Symphony Called Life

Think of music as this place somewhere out there that adepts can tune into. And that the key signatures and notes and scales are actually solid things you can approach in that realm. Is that so far away from the Truth so as to be construed as the ramblings of a madman?

Music is the matter and the anti-matter. Music is the Creator and the Destroyer. The absence of Music heralds the beginning of Silence and hence the End of all that we hold precious.

The Age of Music began with the Dawn of the Universe. The Big Bang heralded the birth of the Universe and perhaps the first symphony ever created. Even today, radio telescopes that listen into the far depths of space can hear the first stars singing their songs of joy and their ballads of despair, trying to reach out to their children across time: us.

It has the power to define you, the hold to move you and the ability to express your emotions when you yourself aren’t adept at it. It connects people like nothing else can. The words don’t matter: just the notes fill up your heart and overflow into your life.

So listen to the songs of Sunshine, the ones that tell us the tales of the men that walked this earth before we did, and feel the words thumping in your own self in the form of heartbeats.

Phi says: There is strength in the melancholy, a strength the blues have owned from the beginning, something stronger than all the up-tempo marches put together.
The strength of survival - of going through the worst and coming out the other side saddened and chastened but alive and prepared to stay with the life that had done such unspeakable things to you, because there was no other life....


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