Its a whole new world - Pillai
Legends in the form of men, centuries together have been, and still seem to dedicate thoughts to the most irresistible form of life to them---WOMEN. Be it the ultimate William Shakespeare, be it the hidden poet within every individual, the essence of a woman have never missed their minds.
Times have changed, eras have passed by. Atom bombs have replaced bows and arrows, kingdoms have been transformed into democracies, pyramids have been rediscovered and several such mysteries resolved. Men have changed their ways too—from a submissive form of life, to a terror spreading earthling, the classical gentleman, the macho man and finally today’s most sought after metro-sexual phenomenon.
But on the other side a reflection of what the women have made out of themselves all these days, would you believe that they have managed to survive without even the slightest of change across all these centuries…..?????
Suspect for their men still haunt them day in and night out. Even to this day making a mountain out of a mole-hill is like a natural gift befitted to them. Their best quote even to this day remains---“I hate your Mom”.
Poor men, they still are the best lovers of Peace. Had it not been for them, women….mind you would have joined the list along with the dinosaurs and the walruses. They made buses with special reservations for women to rest their whatever. Lay your hands on her and you are hunted down like a dog. Chase a woman and you get beaten for being a womanizer…..but even under the most tiring circumstances won’t you find a MENISER…..will you????
At the end of a day, even when women take responsibility for the success of a man with the saying that, “BEHIND EVERY SUCCESFUL MAN THERE IS A WOMAN”. Sadly, none of us realize that WOMEN CHASE ONLY SUCCESFUL MEN!!!!
~ Rahul Pillai
Times have changed, eras have passed by. Atom bombs have replaced bows and arrows, kingdoms have been transformed into democracies, pyramids have been rediscovered and several such mysteries resolved. Men have changed their ways too—from a submissive form of life, to a terror spreading earthling, the classical gentleman, the macho man and finally today’s most sought after metro-sexual phenomenon.
But on the other side a reflection of what the women have made out of themselves all these days, would you believe that they have managed to survive without even the slightest of change across all these centuries…..?????
Suspect for their men still haunt them day in and night out. Even to this day making a mountain out of a mole-hill is like a natural gift befitted to them. Their best quote even to this day remains---“I hate your Mom”.
Poor men, they still are the best lovers of Peace. Had it not been for them, women….mind you would have joined the list along with the dinosaurs and the walruses. They made buses with special reservations for women to rest their whatever. Lay your hands on her and you are hunted down like a dog. Chase a woman and you get beaten for being a womanizer…..but even under the most tiring circumstances won’t you find a MENISER…..will you????
At the end of a day, even when women take responsibility for the success of a man with the saying that, “BEHIND EVERY SUCCESFUL MAN THERE IS A WOMAN”. Sadly, none of us realize that WOMEN CHASE ONLY SUCCESFUL MEN!!!!
~ Rahul Pillai
Hi. I am your junior in SIBM. You have actually taken a very sarcasic view of he whole thing. Interesting.What you have said is actually true. We girls dont really understand guyz...
Anonymous, at 3:37 AM
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