Sunday, December 11, 2005

Hey guys,

I wrote this in the break between two PPTs. Life as such revolves around these talks, blanks and deadlines. I apologize for the delay in publication. Mad Mag has been passed on to a team of juniors. Being non-council (and of course non-academic), I was denied the joy of interviewing and ragging a few juniors. If given a chance, I would asked have asked questions on the Brand Equity of Mad Mag, the positioning strategy and the target audience!!

This issue revolves around CRP. Somehow, CRP is an eye-opener. It is a time when all of us wake up from our reverie to face the truth of the world. Sakshi’s article on her experiments with truth fits the theme of our issue. Also Phi has done it once again from the Fourth Dimension. The mute observer is at his comic best as always. The cleaning crew seems to have spent more time cleaning themselves than cleaning the college. At least they say that they had fun and that is all that matters!!!

Mad Mag is the pioneer to every other informal activity in SIBM. We never had to resort to gossip to hit the magic 3-digit number on our hit counter. We are planning to bring out ‘Reminiscences’, an account of the life we had led in SIBM in 2005. For more information, please mail me in person. 

For junta interested in our organizational structure, I remain the editor till March. Anush will continue to pitch in with his travelogues till then. Hope you guys keep clicking the link like you do every month.

All the best to the new team. To the seniors, Let’s face the truth.



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