Breakaway to Panchgani

Eco camp is 2 kms from the main market. Private property of Mr. Andre, it has both camp sites and bungalows. There are tents with breath-taking views overlooking Krishna.
Krishna, the river , the village ,connected to the rest of the world just by a bus that shuttles two times a day and the green pastures covering the mountain, in all, the trek down takes you back to the old picture which u used to draw when u where a kid ! Before you get too engrossed in the beauty, make sure u purchase some chicken from the market, coz u have a well set barbeque kit available !!! Now if u are a cooking freak, just get on with the masala recipe. Its fun, cold and cozy in the middle of a moon lit night tasting the chicken with a sip of red wine.
All this may not be unique, but how about flying in the sky? No, I am not talking about marijuana . I am talking about paragliding. A run from the top of the mountain straight into the sky…awesome experience at a very affordable 100 bucks a minutes journey….aha I am not talking about a french made concorde! But believe me, its just too relaxing!
The numbers:
Tent : 150/ person, 6 in one tent
Bungalow : 200/ person
Come what way, do not come back without a dive into the Krisha.
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