Saturday, August 05, 2006

Da macha....

Finally!!! We have arrived. My big namaskar to every Tom, Dick and Harry out there in SIBM.

As always, Adi kicked my butt and asked me to write a freakin stupid article for the Mag.And here i am.

Now I realize why this is called a B-School. No point calling this a college. With 90 % attendance and dress regulations to back up, SIBM is the most schoolish of all the symbi institutes. You get a complex when you look at other college guyz and gals in the NCC. Nevertheless,NCC is the lifeline of this insti.Hope the Students Council arranges for a NCC canteen in Lavale also.

ExtraC threw an amazing Freshers party.Fear of being called gay looming over our heads, we planned to pick the sexiest chic among the seniors. I have a great sex appeal. As much sex appeal as a garbage truck.And am drop dead gorgeous. 3 girls dropped dead.With 3 girls turning me down, i had to open my empty bag of dirty tricks to see if it works.I went up to room no 11 and gave a girl a romantic stare and a smile. There-is-nothing-like-early-morning-shitting smile.Did i get this girl?. Well use ur common sense.

A very special thanks and appreciation to our senior batch and the Students council for all the work you guyz n girls put in and all the timely advice and hints of survival.We feel at home guyz. Thank you.

As for the classes, they are packed with 6 students and 60 seats at times. You just have to look around to realize that you are all alone listening to a scary lecture.Even Ramanujam would hate numbers.

I thank Adi from the bottom of my heart for giving me this wonderful opportunity and hereby confer upon him the title of "Saathi".


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