Thursday, August 31, 2006

Life's Topsy Turvy - Aditi Sharma

There are so many words for the broken heart,
But not half comforting for a fresh head start.
There are ups & there are downs,
Some make you smile whilst at others you frown.
Wake up to a new day each morn,
Brushing away, all mock & scorn.
Erase the memoirs that slay your mirth,
Rechristen yourself –take a new birth.
Enhance your strengths, overcome your weaknesses,
Shave the blocks off your happiness’s.
Clear the mists off your head,
Rid the agonies that times have bred.
Rise above petty stuff, set yourself new heights,
And when you have achieved them, there is more for you to strive.
So when pressed down by cares & doubts,
Realize---Success is failure turned inside out
This is how you conquer the world
& carve your niche for zillions to behold.


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