Get the following predictions right and show the world that you are the maddest harry potter fan.
1. The 7 horcruxes are…
2. Harry is a horcrux Yes/No
3. The 2 main characters that will die are
4. The climax of the book 7 will occur at
a. Hogwarts
b. Ministry of Magic
c. Godric’s hollow or something like that.
d. Lord Voldemort’s hideout wherever it is
e. Others………………………………….
5. Sirius Black will be back Yes/No
6. What will happen to Snape.
7. The 3 probable couples will be……………………………
8. Macha’s Favourite Harry potter book is…………………..
9. Space is intentionally left blank. Fill something.
10. The prize I would prefer if I crack this contest is
A. Pirated copy of Harry Potter 7.
B. Rs. 200 gift voucher that Crossword gave Macha when he booked HP part 7.
C. Chance to read Harry Potter 7 original version for free on July 22nd morning as soon as Macha completes reading it.
D. First let me win this contest. We will negotiate the prize later.
Complete this contest and send in your entries as a word file to
Deadline: 21st July morning 6.30 AM IST.
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