Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Images from life at SIBM, full throttle....

>>In case you cannot view the flash movie, click here..., but it all depends on the insti's download restrictions and connection speed. Also for a full life size view of "things" click on the link!!!<<

Monday, July 25, 2005

Welcome to Mad Mag

Hey ppl,

Welcome to the first ever issue of Symbi’s Mad-Mag, the online college magazine. We hope all of you freaked out on the freshers party, put aside the gender ratio mis-match between the batches. Anyways SIBM statistics show that fresher dates aren’t permanent.

Life @ symbi has always been great (touchwood!!!).. Just enough studies, more than enough play, in short-no hassles.

The fundae column features all sorts of articles. Do not miss Ajit’s cartoon on our 24X7 assignments scenario. Lots of blossoming love stories, heart breaks and coochie-cooing should enliven our campus. Our hearty congratulations to ‘The Royal Challenge couple of the evening’. Thanks to Mithun Sachdeva for making it all possible.

Do junior HR aspirants (girls especially) know Mr. Bhonagiri? Take a sneak peak into one of HR’s secret missions….

To the dudes n dudettes not covered in our photo gallery, and the ones who were covered by our nosey Toms ;)- our sincere apologies.. And Happy Birthday to all of you who would celebrate your birthdays before Mad-Mag strikes again..
Happy Reading...!!!! ----
~The ‘MAD’ Team
This is what Ajit Majhi, MBA-I C felt about the burden of assignments-----thats the toon

Frequently Asked Questions..

What is Mad Mag?
MadMag is a web-based news spread that is tilted on the wacky side of life and oh….. a little bit of fun too.

Well, Duh! I knew that from reading your home page. Is there anything else I should know, wise-ass?

This is the first edition of Mad Mag. We know as much as you do, so we just put it out for you guys to try out and beat the shit outta us if it blows in your face.

Now wait a minute. First you say its gonna be wacky. Then you say the newsletter will cover the ‘campus blah’ (if in doubt ask seniors).

Where in the world did you get that information? Get real guys, its supposed to be ‘confidential’ and very hush hush and we would’nt put it out online now, would we?

Who is the Mad Mag team, and why are you doing this to us?
Check the editorial section, can’t spoon feed you guys at everything. As for the second part of the question we thought you guys should be subjected to a li’l bit of torture after that amazing Freshers.

What's up with you and that damn hand (the logo)?
Handy is as good a logo as you can get, but it is absolutely 100% worthless. We just put it up there for the sake of it. You know, something colorful and interesting, but check out the sloppy way in which it is done and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

How long did you guys take to put the whole thing together?
Now now, you are getting personal, aren’t you?

Do you know how I can get to a particular section of your magazine without reading all the crap in it?
No, we deliberately left that magic tool out of your reach!!!

How long do you intend to publish this stuff?
Don’t know how long it will last, hope for atleast another edition

It seems like you're kind of new at all this web stuff. I mean, your HTML coding is cheesy, your web page layouts are unorganized, and frankly, I think a drunk monkey working at a keyboard could probably do better than you. What's up wit dat?
Can't argue with you there. We really don't know the first thing about web design. But nearly everyone we know is doing it, and our friends decided it was time to drag us, kicking and screaming, though we loved to put this all together

Your writing is atrocious. Did you even go to school?
We try to follow The Chicago Manual of Style (14th edition) (God !!! I wish you believe that ) while editing this website, but because of the huge quantities of alcohol involved, mistakes are inevitable. We’ll try to make it better in the next edition, over a drink.


B'day Bumps....


Arjun Mudaliar 18 July, Sonam Lhamo 26 July,
Shilpa Colluni 26 July, Susheel Gautam 30 July, Advant Joshi 2 Aug,
Manit Upadhyaya 5 Aug, Vipin 10 Aug, Daniel Picardo 13 Aug,Saujanya 18 Aug


Divesh Agarwal 7 Aug, Neha Joshi 28 July, Richard Lobo 16 Aug, Sid Balliga 5 Aug,
Avinash Bulani 4 Aug, Tanu Narang 15 Aug, Vaishali 7 Aug

B'day boys... watch ur ass!!!!


2 weeks of B-Skool classes and my 10 point gyaan

I am sure, each one of you must have also felt the same…Here is a list of things I discovered…

1. I figured that I can multi-task in class. Reading a novel, feigning to be deeply engrossed in class (with head nods at irregular intervals of time), and completing assignments for the next lecture.
2. Insomnia has no better cure than subjects like MTM
3. Even the loveliest ‘subjects’ can be made drab and dull.(Think Adam)
4. Even HR could be made interesting enuf for a 2 year study
5. Networking is the buzzword, how else will I complete the assignments(hats off to the enthu public around us)
6. Come Fin classes, and engineers get the real feel of being midgets in class. Commerce guys achieved in 3 what engineers couldn’t even after 4!
7. E-learning negates the basic purpose, the “e” part. The junta hates e, printers and photocopiers in and around the insti having a tuff time making the e-stuff on paper.
8. Jargons fill in the voids in content
9. Clap for anything and everything. When someone is caught dozing off, when someone answers, when the faculty fails cracking a PJ, whenever…..
10. Remember we were given 2 bags on the 28 th of June? Guess they had a couple of books… the best use that I have found is to use the plastic bags to store laundry. Pune has been only rainy days n Mondays to me…

~Nikhil Narayanan

Fin Definitions:

Hope = Law makes sense
Death = Yet another assignment
Outsourcing = Juniors do all the work
Doodhwala bhaiyya = Speculator in cow derivatives
Arbitrage = being teammates with Arnie
drugged = Two straight lectures with Mr. K
Sore thumb = Mr. Sarasia in Mathematics for Finance class
Cool dude = someone who bunks M&A and still gets attendance
Team = People who get along atleast 12.273% of the time
Creativity = Publishing ratios without access to balance sheet, Profit and Loss statement and Cash Flow statement
Multitasking = answering the prof in the class and ur girlfriend on the Y! messenger at the same time
Initiative = finding the site for the 'data' to be used for the assignment
Sun: what you see when you look out the window when the lecture's on
Good time = what we don't get

News from the Fourth Dimension

Six Degrees of Separation

Have you heard about the ‘Six degrees of separation’ rule? It says that any two people in this world can be related using six steps (acquaintances) in between. I haven’t confirmed its validity, but sure would love to do so.
God knows that I’d give my right arm with the left leg thrown in as a bonus to establish any kind of relationship with Ms. Jolie.
Imagine walking up to her, she bedecked in all her pouted glory, and be able to say, “Err, Angelina… Do you know X? He is Y’s brother whose father Z is my father A’s first cousin B’s son C’s professor… So now that we know each other so well, wanna tag along for a Madrasi cuppa?”
So, I’m all or this rule; but I’d be heartbroken if the same applies to the bumbling idiot Bush. I do not want him to come up to me and say, “Hey mate! Aren’t you from India, the country that lies east of Iraq and Afghanistan, West of North Korea and South of China?” And this is assuming that he gets his geography in order.
So hail the rule and to hell with Bush.
Phi says: I don’t know about angels, but its fear that gives men wings.