Saturday, October 07, 2006

Summers Photos

In case you wanna view the flash movie, right click and save target on to the desktop. the link is here..., but it all depends on the insti's download restrictions and connection speed. In case you have problems in the same, mail for a copy of the pictures. You can also take them of Ram of MBA I

Friday, October 06, 2006

Summerz outta Room 4 - Aditya

The summers finally happened. Who was more relieved, the juniors or the seniors is a debatable question. For the people who volunteered to be a part of the processes, coordinators, floor coords, f&b and infra it was a sigh of relief. If the juniors sweated to tunes of one Omprakash in room 4, the seniors were running all around the place to cater to the whims and fancies of the corporate. When you have demands for bhel puri in the middle of the day, on a holiday, you run to chowpatti in the hope that he may have some.

For the people who are in the famed room 13, it is a job well done. Accepted the batch is not fully placed. But compared to the number last year, there is a huge growth in the numbers. Compare the 55 that were placed at the start of day-z, to the 90 this year, I guess that they have all the reason to be proud. What I find interesting is that last year we ended up with a tally of 91 as compared to 116 at the end of the day. Very impressive number.

I talked to one of the inhabitants of room 13; I use the word inhabitant, because that is what they do. They live their lives in that small room. The feeling is one of joy, delight and a kind of satisfaction on a job well done. When I asked about the transition from the most hated to the most loved people on campus, the reply was simple, “we have always known that when the day comes, we will get the respect we deserve. It was really satisfying to be in room 4 and get the response that we got.”

The summers will not be complete without touching upon the name of Rahul. When I asked the PAT about him, the reply amounted to the fact that he was a tactical maneuver and that if the juniors had not met Hitler in life, they did in him.

The only thing that irks me is the amount of attitude thrown by the juniors during the period. People not applying to companies just because they had to fill up extra information. Accepted that in the October issue we had pulled the legs of the prez over this, but this is no laughing matter. Guys, you better start thinking.

Its now time to look at the next big thing on campus. CRP. Now we wait for the CRP to start. A whole new ball game, just with higher stakes.
Over all, PAT rocks... and how!!!!!!

Summerz - Richa

When tension is rife
And summerz are all u think of in life
When PAT with expressions grave
Tell us to buck up and prepare.
When the infodrome is the lifeline
Any week, any day, any hour, any time
When CVs are screened by seniors
Who try hard to dispel all fears
When the buzzwords are 1A,1B, 1S, 2T..
Which create that aura, that mystery.
When deadlines are sacrosanct
If crossed, the forms are defunct.
When it is company blanks galore
Which are huge put-offs, big bores

The companies finally descend on campus
And everyone turns up at the earliest without any fuss.
Room No 4 is where the drama unfolds
The place where except summers everything else is on hold
The coordinators trying hard to calm the crowd
Who try their best to not be loud.
Shortlists of CVs, GD1, GD 2, PI 1, PI 2
At the end of which u have not a clue
If mission summerz is successful
Its hard to maintain your cool
Waiting for the golden words
‘Tank it. You are through!’
Wada Pavs for breakfast, wada pavs for lunch
How everyone hates the food crunch!
Cries of victory
Cries of worry
It’s a battle alright
The gds are the big fight
‘No fish markets please’
The corporates have to be appeased.
Passions ignited, determination, the fuel
Shouting matches, Verbal duels
The sedate interviews
Personalities and their various hues
A plethora of Emotions
Anticipation, hope, joy, excitement
Bitterness, Jealousy, Envy, disappointment
Resignation, Worry, Sorrow, Euphoria
Finally arrives the Day Zero
When the mysteries are unraveled
When PATs success is unparalleled
When placements happen at lightning speed
When nearly everyone is finally in good stead
The show goes on
Three cheers for PAT that made it all possible.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Welcome to another month of action packed SIBM. This month that went by was one of the most hectic and fun filled. The Summit SIBM went off. Well I guess that is what happened. It went off well. And the ExtraC team is having a rest. Meanwhile the mysterious inhabitants of room 13 are having another month of back breaking work, to make sure all are placed for summers!!!!

At a time when rankings are being thrown left right and center, I wanted to see what it means to me when I say that I am in a B-School

We have another first timer... Punya. She claims that she has writers block. I had approached her long back and she has come up with something that takes you through a typical day in college.

In photon factory, we have RP, giving an artists view of the summer processes. Must say, I am floored. Not by the pictures, not by the creativity, but by the fact that it has been more than a year since I had my summer processes

And that is what Anugya talks about!! The things that the senior batch did during the 2 months that we were to be doing our summers. Read this, o juniors. This is the truth!!! Hope you don’t follow our illustrious footsteps

RP, Macha n Richa take a satirical look at the summer processes last year and this year. The people have changed, the date has changed, but the essence of summer recruitment at SIBM has remained the same.

Finally Phi. To all the prospective final years, a few months from the job scenario. Read this. It offers more insight to work life.

Before I sign off, I want to introduce the new team at MM. There are three people.

Rahul Pillai, Praveen V and Richa K. with a heavy heart, I hand over what has been the best time of my life, I hand over my foster son, MadMag to them.


What does being in a B-School mean? - Aditya

What does being in a B-School mean? I have had the privilege to interact with a lot of people, from IIM’s, from other self proclaimed great B-Schools and even the not so great ones, the ones that accept that and are willing to work with it. And this is what I could come up with.
Seeing the intensity that the people have (or rather not have) compared to the time that they aspired to come here, there is a sea of difference. Confidence, self belief rule the roost. The main thing that we have learnt is to sit the night before the deadline, go through mountain loads of pure crap, make sense out of it, come up with a decent template for the PowerPoint, and make a presentation that I am sure, we will not remember tomorrow
Given a topic, we have obtained the confidence to talk about it for a minimum of 20 minutes without having the faintest idea what we have to talk about, what we are talking about, and how they are even related.
The better the college claims they are, the lesser the students think so. This is a direct relation to the newspaper ads. The more a college advertises, the lesser the students think of it. Even when there are claims to think beyond the IIM’s. The college in question, I am sure all knows which one I am talking about has more students than all the Symbiosis institutes put together. This is in one facility in the nation’s capital. In fact I know of instances where the students have taken transfers from one institute to another just to ensure that they have lesser competition.
Why is it that the juniors are not able to think beyond the final placements? And why is it that when they are so bothered about something that is so far away, why cant they stop making mistakes that makes the entire college look stupid, that to in public forums? Guys, I am not calling names, that is not what I stand for. But remember that when you are opening your mouths, you are not talking for you alone, but for the college as a whole. What you say can and will be held against the college.
The final thing is apart the confidence, a B-School is a journey. It is not about the placements alone. It is about the inputs that one receives and the way that a layman is converted to a manager. Look at the broader picture. Learn to think before you act and live the two years. They will never come back


Am i Mad??? - Punya Luthra

I am trying to write my first article to madmag and I already have a writer’s block…infact there isn’t much to block, as u guys will realize soon, I am not much of a writer, hence would recommend you all to do yourselves a favor and stop reading this. Instead save some time, put on your reading glasses n take off those thinking hats to read more of photocopied articles that are circulated by Mr. Bahut Bole!!

It’s indeed a very difficult task to find out stuff to write about in the much happening 4 floors which we like to call the campus; The day begins with our guard “bhaiya” sitting near the door ticking off people for not wearing the much coveted “patta”; coveted by everyone other than the ones already caged, gagged and sacked.

But then once you are in, it isn’t that bad! You have some 200 other people in the same pitiable state as you, and you start feeling a little better. You console yourself saying it’s just a matter of 2 years and then you’ll be out of here and you are caught in between your personal exhilaration and celebrations when the faculty walks in and introduces themselves as an alumnus of the college! I would love to give them a show cause notice and get to know the cause behind this show.

Is it just me or has someone else also noticed the architecture of the building? The windows have been made such that if you try to stare out of them during lectures, you have to rotate your neck by an obtuse angle, else you can’t see anything but a grey wall made at 45 degrees to the main wall. Unfortunately, you turn your attention back to class.

If anyone is still reading the article, I would seriously recommend they stop here, coz I am not getting any better and neither are you. The disclaimer with this article is that you gain naught-nil-zero out of this article, infact you might just acquire a dislike for my articles and give The MadTeam an excuse to ban them completely from the magazine.
For those who still haven’t given up, and are willing to read more, you guys must be having a really bad day…coz there isn’t any excuse for reading this! But then I am glad I am doing better than a few of you out there reading on and on and on, coz I really want to end this here and get on with something productive. Time is one thing you don’t get a b-school! Despite this we have to run up and down at the orders of our dear guard “bhaiya” to find our “pattas” even when we have to leave college premises…I don’t get the rationale behind wearing the pattas.

Whatever may be the reason, its way easier to have it hung around your neck like a noose than get show cause notices for it, not because 3 such notices will lead to a TNG but coz it will be really difficult to show a cause for this mishap.

I really should go now, and for all those who’ve stuck through this, hats off to you guys, and I shall write more to entertain you guys, hoping this was entertainment; just need The MadTeam to think it’s worth it to have a lousy article in the magazine once in a while...

Photon Factory - Rahul Pillai

Summers Gyaan - Anugya Punetha

What we did last summer…

So now that summers process is in full swing, let’s take a fast forward into the not-so-near future, and take a sneak preview into what you actually will be doing at your summers. That’s said of course, assuming that you will follow in the footsteps of your illustrious seniors, and exploit the wonderful learning opportunity presented before you.

You will learn, within the very first week, the schedule your boss/guide follows, and thereby apply the Japanese technique of J-I-T, as taught in class, if you were ever paying any attention. This technique will enable you to arrive precisely in enough time to catch your breath, and appear like you have been working for hours just before your boss arrives. The real reasons behind your crumpled look will be either (a) You woke up attempting to better the Japanese at JIT or (b) You took a bus/local. A similar phenomenon will occur in the evening, when the boss leaves.

You will also learn to bypass servers through various means to achieve the objective of corporate networking through Orkut, Yahoo and the likes, which for some strange reason will not only be frowned upon by, but actually blocked in most offices.

Through summers, you will also learn the core competencies of your social circle. When faced with loads of senseless numbers, you will suddenly remember the Yagga’s of your batch, which will help unravel the mysterious data. Similarly you will identify who is good at what, and lo and behold! Your project will de done in the nick of time, again in accordance with JIT principles.

Then will come doom’s day – the day of presentation. Your palms will sweat, your tongue will be tied, and no, you will not recognize the smooth talkers who will faff his/her way out of the presentation, when your heart is practically in your mouth. At the end of it, people will be congratulating you on the brilliant value addition to the company, and you will realize that the smooth talker was just a professional personality that you developed somewhere along the 8 weeks in the organization.

And then, you will be back on campus, and come October, you will be distributing free gyaan to anyone who’s willing to lend a patient ear, or a patient reading…

Anugya Punetha

We know what you did last summers - Macha, Rahul n Richa


All the characters mentioned in this article are totally intentional. If they resemble anyone alive, dead, or as good as dead, we are not at all sorry. You have the complete authority to beat up all the characters except the Editor and the Writers after the entire article is read over again and again and again (if you are thick skinned enough). Any disputes will be under the Jurisdiction of Chief Justice
Hon. Aditya Rajaraman and the Bench consisting of Da Macha, Rahul Pillai and Richa
Ex-residents of National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore- 560 420.

September, 2005.

Location: Room No.4

“There is something wrong with your batch!! Am disgusted and disheartened”, said Mr. S. Bose.

“Eh, whats his problem man!! I was late by a minute and he refused to take my application. This is too much”- Nirbana Basu.

“Am a chain-smoker. They are not even allowing me out. There is something seriously wrong with the senior batch”, cried Vina-Yagga.

“Guys, I have made up my mind. Whenever a company comes up with a Blank, I am not going to apply for it”, said Lux.

“Guys, shut up. This is not done. We are trying so hard for you guys summers’. None of you have gone and asked any of the seniors about their Summers’ last time. The companies on campus are not at all happy with the response and are giving a bad feed-back.”

And soon the summers began after a ro-ck-in-g summer placement. High hopes, excitement, anxiety and a huge amount of testosterone…..oops, not testosterone, adrenalin in the blood, the young blood left for their destination. Mission: Summers.

Now, we tell you what you did last summers.

MadTeam really missed the opportunity to view Nirbana traveling on top of a train. Probably, he must have read “My Experiments with Truth” by Mahatma Gandhi too much. And for places where he found he had Naxalites to give him company, he hid himself under the blanket, to avoid being shot.

A few even had the luck of working for the graveyard shifts. And Ms. Dewan was one of those lucky few. To add to the fun, the lady had someone to follow her from the company campus back to her residence the entire 2 months, only to come back and complain to the PAT that they should blacklist the company itself.

The summers for our very own Mr. X-tra C was like being on a date with Angelina Jolie – it was just for 5 mins, but left a hangover for over 2 months. Though fortunate enough to get an International project guide, he met him for just 5 mins, and appraised him of all his activities till date v.i.z Orkutting(no need to mention), learning flash, sending hate mails etc etc etc,….

The stories don’t stop here. But the MadTeam is in constraint of both time and space, for which we don’t beg anyone’s pardon.

September, 2006.

Location: Room No. 4

“There is something seriously wrong with your batch. Even I am a chain smoker. I haven’t gone out myself for a smoke. Why should I let you out??? Are u special to me?” cried Vina-Yagga.

“Guys, if u don’t submit the resume in 2 mins, we won’t take your resumes. This is serious guys, don’t laugh. What is so funny??” shouted Nirbana.

“Guys, I assume that when a company expects you to fill in a blank, you don’t take it seriously. This is not done” – Lux.

On a serious note...

Whoever said that “Life is nothing but Running in Circles” truly deserves a PAT on his back. Nothing exemplifies it better than Summers 06. Thanks to the amazing effort put in by PAT and the rest of the seniors, it appears a shining summers for the junior batch so far. And we sincerely hope and believe it just carries on.

As they prove it time and again that the PAT is worth all the praise it gets, we sincerely maintain that this work will not stop with them but instead be passed on as a legacy to the unseen future batches to come. To be inspired.

News from the Fourth Dimension

A Glimpse into the Vagaries of the Workplace

After five months on the job, I’ve come to the irrefutable conclusion that your job is completely different than what you learn during your stint at a business school (though the professors will have you believe otherwise). I’ve learnt that what happens at work is poles apart from your experiences at school. So, I’ve decided not to let my juniors suffer by not being privy to my precious deductions. If you have the courage to accept the glaring differences and mould yourself, read on. Else, ignorance is bliss till the truth shatters all your beliefs.

At the school, we have loads of data and background to work on. We toil over it, burn the midnight oil (a day before the presentation) and learn to get the answers that fit the data.
On your job, you will hardly have any data, but you will have the set of all the standard answers. Here, you will learn to manipulate the data to fit the answers that everyone wants to hear.

2. In the business school, you pay a lot of money to go to college, ogle at the opposite sex, sleep in class and generally while away your time.
On the job, the company will pay you to do all that.

3. Business school teaches you the art of drinking after a hard day’s work
Your job will teach you to put in a day’s work after a hard drink

4. In the school, you HAVE to wear a necktie one day in a week
On the job you HAVE to NOT wear a necktie one day in a week

5. In the business school, laptop owners are the lucky ones
On the job, the lucky ones will be the ones who do not own a laptop (those who will own one, will carry their work home)

6. In the business school, you are taught to switch off your mobiles or to keep them on the silent mode during an important discussion
A few meetings in the office will teach you that the worth of a person is directly proportional to the number of calls that he gets during these meetings. So you better keep that damn phone on and at the loudest possible volume (and ask your friends to keep on calling you at regular intervals).

7. Business school teaches you to tell everybody that you’ve hardly worked on a project that you might’ve spent most of your last week on.
Your job will teach you to count all the hours that you’ve spent chatting with colleagues, surfing the net, reading the newspaper and drinking coffee around the vending machine into the time that you claim to have worked on a particular project.

On a lighter vein (you didn’t think that I was joking till now, did you?), there is not much of a difference in being in a business school and working. You would be paid to make the same kind of rookie mistakes that you made when you were in the business school. So sit back, fasten your seat belts, and enjoy the ride.

Phi Says: Smile… It will confuse people.