Thursday, July 19, 2007


My dear Muggles,
Firstly let me welcome the Juniors into the MadMag world. We have two juniors writing articles for MadMag for the first time. Your response to their articles will be madly appreciated.

Waking up late is a virtue that must be nurtured and propagated. Its our time guyz...
But how many of you really think that you are the maddest Harry potter fan? Prove it by cracking the MadMag Harry Potter 7 prediction contest and win cool prizes.

Our creative director of MadMag is back with his optimistic view of life despite all the troubles he faces in his life.

Gurpreet Singh talks about the twin pressures he faces in life and how he managed to convert the pressures into pleasures!!!!!

Mrutyunjay is philosophical in his approach to how actions affect their life or do they actually affect your life????

Photon Factory is again back with glimpses of Freshers party, Football match and some cool pictures of Lonavla.


Tyranny of the early risers - Da Macha

Its time guys! We have been called lazy, unproductive, lacking in ambition and so on all through our life. Its time to fight back. WE ARE THE LATE RISERS!!!.

We wake up late. But is it a sin to have our quiet morning sleep and coffee, to read my newspaper or just lie on our beds and ease into the day gently and peacefully.

Lets put it this way. Its the early risers who have a problem.

Scientists have long known that early risers have genetic disorder leading to physiological difference leading to psychlogical disorders with symptoms like high attendance, nerdiness etc.,

With high cortisol levels in the blood, giving the person a false sense of happiness on getting up early.

This early rising disorder is called 'psychopyhsiomorningproblemosis' disorder. We think we can help you.

There are 100s of interesting, 'fun' and productive stuff that could be done from 10 PM to 2 AM but can you tell me one interesting thing that you could do waking up early at 6 AM unless you are into early morning eloping.

An individual's preference for early/late rising is as genetic as eye or hair colour. We all live better if one's existence is not constantly dictated by an alarm clock.

~Da Macha

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Get the following predictions right and show the world that you are the maddest harry potter fan.

1. The 7 horcruxes are…

2. Harry is a horcrux Yes/No

3. The 2 main characters that will die are

4. The climax of the book 7 will occur at

a. Hogwarts
b. Ministry of Magic
c. Godric’s hollow or something like that.
d. Lord Voldemort’s hideout wherever it is
e. Others………………………………….

5. Sirius Black will be back Yes/No
6. What will happen to Snape.
7. The 3 probable couples will be……………………………
8. Macha’s Favourite Harry potter book is…………………..
9. Space is intentionally left blank. Fill something.
10. The prize I would prefer if I crack this contest is
A. Pirated copy of Harry Potter 7.
B. Rs. 200 gift voucher that Crossword gave Macha when he booked HP part 7.
C. Chance to read Harry Potter 7 original version for free on July 22nd morning as soon as Macha completes reading it.
D. First let me win this contest. We will negotiate the prize later.

Complete this contest and send in your entries as a word file to
Deadline: 21st July morning 6.30 AM IST.

All that glitters is gold - Rahul Pillai

Something is wrong somewhere in the campus. Just take a look around. People are so frustrated. I hear so many of them crib. Reasons unknown. But causes, the same. Let me see if I can help you guys out.

Mobile phones have become such a big issue. Yes the Security Guard does get to lay his hands on your vital organs once in a while, but that’s all. Big deal guys. At least we are not told to strip outside the college early in the morning. Its sincerely such a big concession. How on this earth can we all miss out on such a bright side of things.

So what if you don’t have too many full time Profs? Just check out the quality of the ones that come to take our classes. They are oozing with knowledge so interesting; unbeatable teaching skills and you don’t even feel like falling asleep. Guess what, we still crib.

So what if classes are held for us even on Sundays? We hold all kinds of parties on almost all Saturday nights – Pre-Fresher’s, Fresher’s, Pre-Placement, Placement, Farewell and so on. Don’t you see how inductive it is to get bashed by late night to wake up early next morning to reach college on time?

So what if Orkut and YouTube are not accessible? Who needs them anyways? We can still use our college e-mail accounts!! We are not totally cut off from the rest of the world, guys!! There is still light at the end of the tunnel; only that the source of the light is a train coming from the other direction.

So what if 90% attendance has been made compulsory? Big deal!! All the classes that we have are just 8 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year for 2 years. Now that’s such an insignificant number. Burn-out bull shit!! Don’t you see, we are being trained for the Corporate world grill? The only question is, will we last that long??

Anyways, it makes no sense me telling all this!! How does it matter? You guys will still remain the same. Let’s appreciate all that we are blessed with. We are the chosen ones, am sure you will realize this one day. Till then, its God Bless You.

~Rahul Pillai

The twin pressures - Gurpreet Singh

When I joined SIBM I never guessed that what I would get from SIBM will be more than I had expected. Though the placements are still far off, what this institute has given me is what I have always wanted without working hard. Infact, the institute has taken something from me… a part of my body has burned off in SIBM.

Wait wait you dirty minds…what I am talking about is the extra flesh around my waist which I have got rid of here in just one month…I had worked extremely hard during my job(on my computer) to increase my waist line and was given a handsome salary also so that I could have more beer on weekends and increase it further…

Now let me explain how the weight loss process starts at SIBM…
You have to work really hard for it…

Be awake till 2 or 3 in the night and don’t let others sleep too and woke up JIT so that you enter the class along with Suhaas. This will make you do brisk walk for atleast a kilometer with a laptop bag and an odd copy or book which amount to 4 kgs atleast.

Then you have to climb to the second floor on a staircase where the height of each stair is especially designed to put the right pressure along your waist. Now if you have developed pressure somewhere else too…then you would have to climb two more floors up for relieving it as the one on your floor is under repairs…after climbing to the fourth floor you would definitely be thirsty…so climb half a floor more from there to quench your thirst and climb down two floors ( all the above exercise is done without having your breakfast) and after one hour you would have the twin pressures, one acting below ur waistline and the second one along the waistline when you start climbing...

You can see the results within a week…much faster than the Asian Sky Shop’s Sauna Belts…please try it…

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any humiliation caused due to the pressure going above threshold values…”Har aadmi apne saaman ka khudd zimmevaar hai”

~Gurpreet Singh

Do actions always affect life - Mrutyunjay

My mind asks me many times that whether what I am doing without my heart being involved is any how going to affect my life. So my inner self comes to my rescue and tries to answer my mind’s dilemma. First of all see what Steve Jobs has to say about action and life....

"I didn’t know whether what I was doing is in what way going to influence my life. What you do at present is a dot in your life. You don’t know what it signifies. You can't connect these dots by looking forward, but once you look backwards these all dots form a line or say a path."

I agree. What I am doing right now may not appeal me. I may not know what i am going to get out of it or rather I may know. But sometimes my present state doesn’t appeal to me. Sometimes it happens that I don’t bother and just do things mechanically. So should I stop doing it?


Then why do people say follow your heart???

They do because every thing I do, my heart gives a signal. But sometimes it doesn’t reach my mind.

So can I do something which I don’t love????

Yes, because when I am taking any action it is going to affect many lives positively. This creates goodwill. Thus this goodwill gives me a dedicated network of people who will remain with me.
Newton’s 3rd law states that every action has opposite and equal reaction. So every action which I am going to take with my sheer hard work and without any heart will also give me good results.
Thus as life progresses I walk with the satisfaction which is the result of work which I have done mechanically, to get something which my heart says and reaches my mind.

So every action I do will always give good results?
Sometimes it may not.
So what’s the use of putting so much effort?
Because, every time I take any action with hard work I get a new dot of my life. It’s up to me how soon I connect those dots.

What does it mean?
It means see as soon as possible, what I have done and learnt from my old actions, to learn some new actions and thus see whether this appeals to my heart or not. It thus creates a vicious cycle. “Old unwanted actions force me to look back to the dots and then do something which is not same as old action. If it appeals me I won’t look back until I get success. If it doesn’t appeals me I will look back again soon.”

It implies that every action is a new learning process.
One final question, should I rest when I get success at any stage?
Now you tell me what is success? It is not a destination where I can rest. It’s a process, process which never ends. So idealism says I should never stop a process of my life. So always remain foolish.

Because once I know every thing I stop acting and process stops. And if the process stops I don’t get any further dots and any more actions.

So remain foolish and I will keep acting!

(This I wrote out of my present state of displeasure in MBA from one of the so called best institutes of India. What I have written in last lines about success I owe it to my lovely junior “GAMBHIR”. Please, if you are reading this I need your views about my views.)


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Photon Factory

Fun at freshers
FootBall Match which was jinxed for the seniors
Freshers Party

Theory of Evolution
Fog in Lonavla
Golf in Lonavla