Friday, November 10, 2006

A semester gone by - Richa

We first stepped in to the precincts of SIBM with trepidation little knowing what lay in store for us. For several of us it was a welcome foray back to the campus life, for the freshers it was yet another two years before they finally plunged into the corporate world.

Aided by the induction program, the memorable outbound and freshers that really helped break the ice, meeting and interacting with so many new people all at once, all from varied backgrounds, diverse cultures and different places, making new friends was indeed a great experience.

The induction program prepared us for the arduous path that lay in front of us and the councils welcomed us to B-School’. Post the induction programme, it was back to the grind of the classes, lectures, presentations (for which I earnestly thank Larry Page and Sergey Brin). Several of us got involved in the Student council which pulled off admirable feats with due credit to the dedicated effort of both the seniors and the juniors.

Looking back, it certainly was an eventful semester was with the induction, the outbound, freshers, classes, Transloocent, the guest lectures, Summit, Addict, Summers, alumni meets, interaction with esteemed alumni, presentations, internals, Exams…

We wait and watch as the next semester will unfold bringing in new aspirations, reaching out to new horizons, scaling new Peaks…Admissions, CRPs, Summers, Transcend will be some of the highlights of the next semester which we are sure will be as happening as the first.
