Monday, October 02, 2006

Summers Gyaan - Anugya Punetha

What we did last summer…

So now that summers process is in full swing, let’s take a fast forward into the not-so-near future, and take a sneak preview into what you actually will be doing at your summers. That’s said of course, assuming that you will follow in the footsteps of your illustrious seniors, and exploit the wonderful learning opportunity presented before you.

You will learn, within the very first week, the schedule your boss/guide follows, and thereby apply the Japanese technique of J-I-T, as taught in class, if you were ever paying any attention. This technique will enable you to arrive precisely in enough time to catch your breath, and appear like you have been working for hours just before your boss arrives. The real reasons behind your crumpled look will be either (a) You woke up attempting to better the Japanese at JIT or (b) You took a bus/local. A similar phenomenon will occur in the evening, when the boss leaves.

You will also learn to bypass servers through various means to achieve the objective of corporate networking through Orkut, Yahoo and the likes, which for some strange reason will not only be frowned upon by, but actually blocked in most offices.

Through summers, you will also learn the core competencies of your social circle. When faced with loads of senseless numbers, you will suddenly remember the Yagga’s of your batch, which will help unravel the mysterious data. Similarly you will identify who is good at what, and lo and behold! Your project will de done in the nick of time, again in accordance with JIT principles.

Then will come doom’s day – the day of presentation. Your palms will sweat, your tongue will be tied, and no, you will not recognize the smooth talkers who will faff his/her way out of the presentation, when your heart is practically in your mouth. At the end of it, people will be congratulating you on the brilliant value addition to the company, and you will realize that the smooth talker was just a professional personality that you developed somewhere along the 8 weeks in the organization.

And then, you will be back on campus, and come October, you will be distributing free gyaan to anyone who’s willing to lend a patient ear, or a patient reading…

Anugya Punetha