Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Welcome Home...

I am sitting here at 2 in the night after trying to do some progress in finance to no avail. I have just realized what Nisha has left behind and I hope that over the next year I shall do justice to her concept of MadMag.

Another year has started in college and it is hard to believe that we are back. The seniors are back in the grind after the summers with submissions and assignments and classes that we are not too sure we want…

The juniors seem to have their hands full, with all the PAT submissions and presentations and classes till god knows when! Having been there before I am sure that the seniors are chuckling away inside…

For the anniversary issue of MM, I have decided to get a team to work with me. The core members are Daniel Picardo, Anugya Punetha, Ajith Majhi and Arjun Mudliar. These people shall be on my back sude making sure that the mag is realeased every month. And yeah, the new avtar of the mag will bee out. Hope that it makes a better read…

If you have doubts as to what the MM is then please refer to the MadMag FAQ’s. The link

I hope over this year to make MM as much a part of our lives as possible. Hoping to hear from you in terms of articles and support…


Dear ppl,

It has been quite some time since I came out with an issue of MadMag. I am solely to blame.

Now that we are back in college and I have a team working with me, I shall try to make sure that there is new issue lying in the inbox in the first week of every month.

This is a gr8 month for us all. The seniors at work, the current batch becoming the seniors and the new batch coming in.

The interaction that took place on the 29th of June. It was a place where there were no inhibitions and must say the eXtraC made sure the seniors had a ball and the juniors were, well not all that bad a time. Special note needs to be made of Arpit Shah. He seems to have become the target of all girls and boys of the senior batch. Way to go man!!!

Yagga is his cynical best when he takes a totally different view on the current situation of SIBM…

Being the younger batch of the two, it has still not sunk in that we are seniors to a bunch of people that are older than us... and that to older by a mile!!! Anugya comes with a senior’s angle to the whole affair.

And Phi takes his own styled dig at the reason why we are all here in SIBM…


Monday, July 03, 2006

Football Time!!!

It was a bad day for me personally. I had to see two of my favorite teams (England and Brazil) lose.

The very next day I turned up to cheer and act as the personal attendant of my room mate, one Anirban Basu at the BMCC grounds. Reason, seniors vs. juniors football match organized by the eXtrac team.

The ground was soggy with incessant rains (according to the players, this is the best way a football match can be played).

The seniors in blue and the juniors in white, the match was an absorbing hour of high pace of foot ball where most of the times the enthusiasm more than made up for the lack of extreme skill of the likes of Zizou (for the uninitiated this is the nick of Zinedine Zidane, captain of France).

The sole goal in the game came of the boot of Omkar Redkar. The final score was seniors – 1, juniors – 0. The score line could have read differently had it not been for the couple of wonderful saves by the senior goal keeper, Irfan.

Even though there were questions that the juniors raised regarding the referring, over all it was a great evening where we saw grown up men behaving like boys running behind a ball in the mud (does certainly bring back memories of childhood).

The best part of the match was the camaraderie that the juniors and the seniors displayed after the game. There was genuine appreciation from both the sides over the football played and photographs galore.

Nice job eXtrac. We are looking forward to more events of the same kind. And are the juniors going to be given a chance to avenge the defeat next Sunday?

~The Mad Team

>>In case you cannot view the flash movie, click here..., but it all depends on the insti's download restrictions and connection speed!!!<<

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Call it interaction, call it ragging, We call it Plain FUN!!!

The list....

The Seniors lie in wait.. Lamb to Slaughter...

It was a fine evening. The eXtraC team organized a night to remember (for the seniors at least). In fact, after being the brunt of our seniors pranks, we decided to move the notch up more, a lot more.

There was dancing, ad making (which failed to impress) and who can forget Basu's dance.

In short, the seniors had a ball and it has become a gr8 starting point.

To the Juniors.. No harm meant ppl..

Offloading GYAN!!! - Yagga

Folks, it’s that time of the year again. This forum was not in place last year. Thank God for that. The last thing we needed in the midst of our PAT bashing frenzy was some fuckall senior giving us Gyan.

Unfortunately this instrument is in place this year and Adi’s asked me to write for the mag and so here goes…

Adi’s brief to me was to write to either the juniors or write about summers, I decided to go with the former. In addition to this he asked me to make the write-up as funny and whacked out as possible… I can’t possibly achieve either after the circus show you guys managed to witness in your 2 weeks of induction!!! I’m guessing you guys got to experience Mr. “cho chweeth” 1st hand, what more can a bunch of 180 students in their 1st week in B-School ask for by way of entertainment… Listen folks I’m not trying to be disrespectful out here, I mean you should give the man his due. He’s after all from IIM A with a diploma in Agri-Business Management… No wonder he’s so terrific with field work!!!

Anyways getting down to the more serious stuff in life… By now you guys must have realized what a fuckall decision you’ve made in your choice of B-School (School being the operative word – Wednesdays Formals, don’t drink coffee inside the class, smoking and consumption of alcohol prohibited inside the campus!!!, stand up when the teacher comes to class… the list is endless), still SIBM’s actually not that bad a place to be in. After a point of time the place actually grows on you, almost the same way a malignant tumor does. You realize that there’s a lot more to this place than the college - there’s NCC, Coffee Day, E-Square, one another’s places, lots of the green stuff (both consumable and non-consumable varieties). For the guys of course there’s Law College, Arts and Science college and for those in C-Div the Girl’s Hostel when you look out of the window in the middle of a class (Let’s face facts the guys to girls ratio is kinda screwed here… That’s one of the reasons why I’m writing this article, in the vague hope that one of the girls from the junior batch would find it vaguely funny and decide to ask me out for fresher’s… I’d still much rather go with a girl than be a guy who has to be asked out by another guy from the Junior batch because he’s run outta girls from the Senior batch)!!!

You guys must be in the middle of totally detesting PAT right now… A word of advice folks don’t detest them so much. They have to do the dirtiest of jobs in this college and don’t get rewarded for it. So when they say you need passion to do this work don’t laugh ‘coz you genuinely do need it to stay locked up in a room for 17 - 18 hours in a day and have the Director breathe down your neck and still be hated by your Juniors and peers alike. I’m guessing most of you’ll realize this with time. I’m just shocked that one of your own batch mates who’s seen last year’s PAT 1st hand can’t figure out things are different this time around (No offense meant Appu).

Now down to the classes… I’m guessing one of your favourite subjects must be Current Affairs taken by our very own in-house Indiana Jones. Most of you would faithfully be sleeping in classes with your eyes wide open thinking about how you can extend those relationships built during outbound to the classroom. Give it time folks… The rains are here and will stay for at least another 2 months, the weather in this city can be pretty fucked up at times, but it provides the perfect setting for little boys and little girls (despite the fact that it seems like the average age of your batch is 25) with little crushes to take a walk and then somewhere in the middle of it all to hold hands only to realize much later that in the bigger scheme of things when it comes to relationships in Pune holding hands is the most trivial thing you can do. A word of advice for the ones who’re more gutsy and adventurous – guys and girls alike, wait till the fresher’s night… You’ll notice a coupla drinks makes you feel more capable of taking risks and for the one who’s at the receiving end of this you’ll find yourself more receptive to advances!!!

Guessing I’m just beginning to ramble round about now!!!
Bottom-line folks… you fucked up big time when you decided to come to this college but now that you’re in here have a blast and get out of this place with a fat salary, thanks to PAT, that even you know you really haven’t worked that hard for!!!

Cheers!!! See you at Fresher’s!!!

Yagga – Over and (Passed) Out

Life @ Summers

Full Circle at SIBM - Anugya Punetha

The campus is abuzz with the arrival of the batch of 2008.

Frantic activity on the second floor and canteen, groups huddled together working to meet a deadline, girls struggling in their sarees, guys desperate to loosen their ties, crowds on the third floor, and crowds in room number 4.

The wifi may not have yet been overwhelmed with their laptops, but in every other imaginable place, there is suddenly a queue – a queue at the water cooler, a queue at NCC to buy various addictive products (er, we’re referring to tea and coffee), a queue to go up the stairs, and another to come down, and the worst of all…there’s even a queue in the loo during breaks!

It’s deja-vu for all of us.

One year ago, this was precisely the scene, only that we were the actors, and our awesome seniors were the spectators, watching us explore the surroundings, getting used to the schedules, to the rules, and to ourselves. We couldn’t wait to outshine everyone else, to make ourselves seen and heard. Dreams, expectations, excellence and achievements were high on our priority lists.

Soon followed the friendships and feuds, the studies and the games and the disillusionments and the new dreams, the jargon and the mind numbing facts. The insti shaped us, became our second home. Slowly, but surely we saw what we meant when we proclaimed ‘SIBM is a student run institute.’

And just when we became best friends with our seniors, it was time for them to leave.

And now, suddenly, we’re no more the newly inducted ‘juniors.’ We have now become the seniors - the experienced crowd, who will have to provide all the solutions, help the new batch find its place in the sun and be their friends as well. A two-fold change has occurred – not only have we moved from being juniors, we are also expected to take the places that have been left vacant by the previous batch – difficult roles to play to a batch whose average age is higher than some of our oldest people.

Nevertheless, the bonds will be made. There is a lot of madness that is yet to follow, to help develop these relationships. There may not always be method in this madness, but it is guaranteed madness for the next two years!

Welcome to SIBM!

News from the fourth dimension

The Purpose of Education

Everywhere we see the buzz word seems to be education. Be it the government policy or be it the philanthropic activities everyone seems to be talking about education. The government seems to want to increase the amount of expenditure at the grass root levels so as to enhance the quality of life in the country. The general public, at least the richer ones, in the belief that the government is not doing enough, are spending their money on the same goals that the government has. A school in every village is what both the parties are saying.

Going by what the government is saying, the general notion about education is the ability of reading and writing at a very basic level.

Is this not too narrow a definition? Education is more than just the ability to read and write. That is called literacy. Education has to be something more than just that. Taking from what Mark Twain said, never let school interfere with your education. Thus the education of the people can not be limited to a school.

The line of Twain sums up what education is all about. Educating a person is to give him the ability to think logically about a situation and come to a decision. Learning without the application is not education. It is to learn by rote.

This can not be taught. This has to be kindled in a student, a fire in the belly to want to know, to understand and to apply.

Thus was Descartes famously said, “Cogito Ergo Sum” (to mean I think, there fore I am) would be the state that each student has to be brought to by the education that he/she receives, the ability to think and learn and not just to read and write.

Phi says: In the place of cogito ergo sum, we are in a state of cogito cogito, ergo cogito sum. To mean, I think that I think, therefore I think I am.